What is a 4 Point Inspection?
Don't underestimate the importance of this yearly checkup for your home.
A common question asked when attempting to buy a home for the first time is, “What is a Four point inspection?” This inspection gives a homeowners insurance company direct insight into the current condition of your house, examining four major systems: roofing, electrical, plumbing and HVAC. By having this inspection performed, the insurance company will understand the true liability they’ll take on should coverage be given.
Table Of Contents
What Is a 4 Point Inspection in Florida?
Does Florida home insurance require 4 point inspection?
What Does a four Point Inspection Cover?
Can I use my regular home inspection instead? (4 Point Inspection Vs. Full home Inspection)
How Do I Prepare For A Four Point Inspection?
For Florida Home Owners citizens insurance will be your state ran option for home insurance Coverage. Does citizens insurance require a Four Point Inspection?
What is a 4 point inspection in Florida?
A Four point inspection looks at the 4 major systems (Roof covering, Electrical system, Plumbing System, HVAC/Air Conditioning) in an older home. A four point inspection tells insurance company it the older home has been well maintained, and the major systems are in good working condition. This is not a safety inspection. They are done by a licensed inspector or building contractor.
Some insurance companies like Citizens Insurance, require the inspector to use their form. Other insurance companies allow the inspector to use their preferred format. In addition to the written report, the inspector will take photos of each of the major systems to provide to the insurance company.
Does Florida home insurance require 4 point inspection?
When you own or purchase an older home, rental property, or condo in Florida, you will likely need for a 4 point inspection before purchasing a homeowners policy. Most home insurance companies will require a Four point inspection when a home is older than 40 years, or a rental property is older than 30 years. You can get an insurance quote without a 4 point inspection. However, you will need inspection before actually purchasing the policy. We discuss below what an inspection looks at and what will cause a home to not "pass" a four point inspection. Each FL home insurance company has slightly different guidelines on when a 4 point inspection is required, so check with your Independent Insurance Agent. A newer home does not need this Four point inspection typically. You do not need this for a renters insurance policy.
What Does A four Point Inspection Cover?
When having a 4 point inspection completed; the licensed inspector will examine the following systems:
Roof Covering- Type of Roof Covering (shingles, tile, rolled). The age and condition of the roof. Are there missing shingles or leaks?
Electrical System - The type of wiring in the home (copper wiring, aluminum wiring or knob and tube wiring). The brand of the electrical panel. The condition of the homes electrical system.
Air Conditioning/Heating and Cooling - Is there central heat and air in the home? The age and condition of the Air Conditioning /Heating and Cooling system. Are there signs of leaking?
Plumbing System - Type plumbing system that the supply lines and drain lines consist of in the home (copper, CPVC, galvanized, lead, polybutelene, etc. Is there evidence of current leaks or previous leaks? The age of the hot water heater.
Can I use my regular home inspection
4 point insurance inspection vs full Home inspection
You can provide your insurance company/insurance agent the full home inspection in lieu of a 4 point Insurance inspection. However, we strongly recommend that you don't do this. In many insurance agencies/insurance agent, they will ask clients to provide only a 4 point Insurance inspection rather than the entire inspection. Often, a home inspection will also list other minor and/or cosmetic damages. We don't recommend sending all the minor issues to your prospective home insurance company (unless you have been asked to do this).Further details concerning the extent of inspection, Purpose of inspection, and Insurance requirements detailed below.
Purpose Of Inspection
Potential homeowners and insurance companies generally look at 4-point inspections when dealing with homes over 20 years old, where structural integrity and other safety issues can arise.Usually performed when people are prospecting a potential home, full home inspections are more comprehensive. A holistic look at the condition of the home is sought after to guarantee its value and condition.
Having a Four point inspection performed is generally a quick process since inspectors are only examining the essential systems of the home.
Full inspections are known for being thorough and comprehensive, examining many more aspects of the home than in a typical 4 point inspection. Inspectors will review the following:
Drainage and grading
Doors and windows
Electrical system
Roof Covering
Insurance Requirements
Insurance companies will often require homeowners with property over 20 years old to get a 4 point inspection in order to receive coverage or renew an existing policy. As homes get older, the likelihood of potential issues increases significantly, and providers want to ensure the real estate they’re liable for won’t cost them a fortune to cover. Generally, full inspections are performed during the home buying process to see if the property is in good condition. They’re not usually a requirement, but more seen as due diligence. Before purchasing a home, you’ll want to make sure that all aspects of the home are functioning properly, which can be confirmed with a full inspection. From there, you’ll have a better idea if this should be your next home or not.
How Do I Prepare For A Four Point Inspection?
Here are a few things to look for before your 4 point inspection takes place:
The HVAC unit should be functioning properly. You are not allowed to utilize fireplaces, oil furnaces or window AC units as central heating and air conditioning for the home.
Look for any exposed or ungrounded wiring. Double tapped breakers, fuse boxes and aluminum wiring are also red flags. These are apparent fire hazards and will need to be fixed or replaced.
Pay attention to signs of leakage, water-damaged walls and pipe deterioration. Due to the severe damage plumbing issues can cause, these issues alone will disqualify you from receiving homeowners insurance.
Have a roofing professional come to your home and inspect the condition of your roof. Replace or fix any broken, missing or warped shingles. Evident signs of water damage or holes will also need to be resolved.
For Florida Home Owners citizens insurance will be your state ran option for home insurance Coverage. Does citizens insurance require a Four Point Inspection?
The short answer is yes, but no fear. We have you cover here at Blue Olive Tree Home Inspections.
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